taking you to places, stirring the stillness of your heart...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Feelings of Visiting Home

  Can't believe it has been nearly a year since I've packed up and left Sydney for HK... and this is the first time visiting since I've left.  Before I arrived, I didn't really know what to expect and I didn't really know how I would feel... but it's turning out to be a lot more emotional than I had imagined.

  Being in the environment is as though I've never left, a lot of things I do and places I go to are still somewhat automatic to me.  It is as though I only have to turn on the autopilot button and BAM! I know what I'm doing.  But it is in the relationships with people that have tugged at my heart and makes me wonder how I can walk away again for the second time.

  With each meet-up, I realise more and more how precious our friendship is to me... all the memories are not just merely memories, but they mean something and is almost like a block in a building that has been put there to strengthen what has already been built.  Memories that are so tiny and yet, when paired with actions in the present, it can stir something in your heart so strong and tug at something so deep you wonder why you could have ever let this go.  It's familiar, it's warm, it's what you have lived with your whole life and nothing can ever replace those things and especially those people in your life.  People who know what you are wanting to say when you seem hesitant to express yourself, people who know what you are thinking in your silences because they have seen that expression on your face countless of times, people whom you don't have to explain yourself to because they know your history, people who accept you no matter how you have left and moulded again.  There is a foundation there, a foundation that is called 'Trust'.

  What surprised me this time coming home is how touched I have been by my friends' words and actions.  I didn't know that I could be so happy and feel so at peace to see them happy, I didn't know they would be so happy and relieved to see me happy too, I didn't know some of them would intentionally organise a gathering and practice awing hospitality, I didn't know people would bother to take the initiative and... come look for me, I didn't know they would remember my likes, my dislikes and recalling the memories we have shared together.  I have missed being around these people, some of whom I have known almost a decade, I have missed being completely relaxed and chilled and loving just being in their company.  I have missed our times together.  My heart hurts and at the thought of having to leave it all behind again, the internal conflict is too great to be described.

  Being abroad, I have now truly learnt the precious values of my relationships back home.
  But I must go again, because my journey in HK has not finished and if I were to let that go now, I would have cut something short.  There are people there that I have started building something together with, although it's very different, but perhaps it is another important lesson for me to learn and another treasure to obtain. And I've realised, I need to know myself and it is only outside the bounds of comfort zone can I do come to know myself and somehow accept all the weaknesses and strengths I have not been able to before.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Bike-A-Thon 2014

 Please support us as we cycle together as a team for charity and share love with the refugee community of Hong Kong.
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Riding in support of the forgotten, the broken and the most vulnerable.

Dear Friends,

This year, I had hoped to move to Hong Kong to widen my perspectives.  Then, joining the church Bike-a-thon allowed me to look inside the lives of refugees and asylum seekers here.  Truthfully, they felt removed from me, because I didn’t even know they lived here.  However, through meeting a Middle-Eastern family at a home visit, I’ve been humbled to see that they aren’t nobodies, but extraordinary people with brave hearts that know sacrificial love.

This family of 5 lives in a tiny apartment, the walls are run-down, with second-hand furniture and clothing.  Because they are asylum seekers, the parents cannot work, although both were once professionals in their country.  Due to fears of how social unrests could affect their children, they left their wealth and loved ones for a foreign country.  This tugged at my heart as I’ve wrestled with God a lot before coming to Hong Kong, because I knew I had to leave much behind in Sydney; but how much more must the parents have wrestled, for they had to forgo much more in exchange for much less compared to me.  They can’t earn money, can’t leave and can’t tell their families in the Middle-East their location: it’s like living inside a prison without walls.  It hit me hard that there must be courage and sacrificial love for their children to do this. They have shown me the heart of my Heavenly Father, who sacrificed His only beloved Son.  I was truly humbled.

 Refugees and asylum seekers are all living courageously and having my eyes opened, my hope is to help them wherever I can, so I would like to invite you to partner with me by financially contributing through this Bike-a-thon, I believe your donation will make a big difference in their lives.  Thank you!

Donate Now! 
PayPal: Please click the DONATE button below to go to my PayPal donation page.

Cheque: Please make your cheque payable to "The Vine Community Services Ltd" and post it to The Vine Centre, 29, Burrows Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me. I will keep you all updated on my training progress.


Who is VCSL?

The Vine Community Services Ltd is a non-profit organization here in Hong Kong that works as a beacon of hope to the most overlooked, ignored and vulnerable in our society. VCSL supports 250+ refugees and asylum seekers aiming to equip, educate and empower individuals and families to become positive and contributing members of the community. Click here to find out more about VCSL and our mission for Hong Kong Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

The 300km challenge!

A Band of Riders plan to cycle 300km in 4 days from Kaohsiung to Kenting, over the coastal and mountainous roads of Taiwan. The route and short time frame will be a great test for us physically and mentally, with just a small team to help accomplish this distance. Our goal is to raise HK$2M for the refugee work of The Vine Community Services. Please support us as we cycle together as a team for charity and share love with the refugee community of Hong Kong. More info.

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